Wednesday, August 3, 2016

San Casimiro

January 14, 2014
We dropped the next day off the mesa and down to an extremely large and dusty plain, heading towards a windmill in the distance. It was so hot and sunny that Luna got extremely tired and I tried lifting her (the 60 lb dog) onto my small little Squirrel. Yeah, that didn't work. Squirrel got tired in the first 5 minutes so Luna had to bite it and walk.
Bajamos el siguiente día de la mesa a una planicie grande y polvorienta, dirigiéndonos hacia un molino en la distancia. Era tan caluroso y soleado que Luna se canso muchísimo y trate de subirla (a la que pesa 30 k) al pequeño Ratón. Si, eso no funcionó. Ratón se cansó en los primeros 5 minutos y Luna tuvo que aguantarse y caminar.
Eventually we got to San Casimiro, the ranch with the windmill where, 15 years earlier, on an equally hot and dry day we had stopped on the first Mula Mil, and stayed in the shade and played in the water for a whole day! Ofelia and her husband (another of Chemas's sisters, by the way) remembered us and was pleased to let us camp in her yard, take a shower and cook in her house, as well as run into town for us and pick up some groceries. Thank you Ofelia!
Eventualmente llegamos a San Casimiro, el rancho del molino donde, 15 años antes, en un día igual de caluroso y seco habíamos parado durante la primera Mula Mil, acampando en la sombra y jugamos en el agua todo el día. Ofelia (hermana de Chema) y su esposo nos recordaban y nos dejaron acampar en su jardín, bañarnos y cocinar en su casa y ¡hasta fueron al pueblo a traernos mandado! ¡Gracias Ofelia!

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